kitchen is gone

This week-end we worked on removing the old kitchen, which was my age, and demolishing its walls to open up on the big living room. Of course, we found a lot of concrete covering the walls, and the the kitchen counter was made of reinforced concrete!

The surprise came from the ceiling, we removed the brick-plaster ceiling to discover that there were two other older ceilings above before reaching the attic: one in lattice and the original wooden floor of when this room was a barn...

Kitchen before: La cuisine avant:

 Great opening on the living room from the kitchen space (above); the ceiling and all its layers..(below). Ouverture sur le futur salon (au-dessus) et ci-dessous LES fameux planchers/plafonds...
Ce week end nous avons enlevé la vieille cusisine, qui avait mon âge, et déconstruit les murs pour avoir une cuisine ouverte sur salon. Ca y est nous le voyons le potentiel! Bien sûr les plans de travail étaient en béton armé... La surprise est venue du plafond. Après avoir enlevé celui en briques platrière nous avons découvert qu'il y en avait deux autres: un en lattis et le plancher en bois d'origine, quand la cuisine était encore une grange.

The mason, who will remove the old mezzanine, started "playing" with it: reinforced concrete, this mezzanine was meant to last for ages! And he started removing the ground of one of the guest rooms. He had planned for 12 centimeters of concrete and then dirt under... well there is a bit more than 4.5 inches of concrete. If concrete were gold we would be rich! So we have to change our plan, we will plane the wooden beam of that room rather than dig the ground which is just above the vaulted cellar in order to create a comfortable room.

Le maçon qui va déconstruire la mezzanine est venu jouer du marteau piqueur. Bein entendu du beau béton pour que la mezzanine perdure à travers les âges... Il a aussi taper dans le sol d'une des chambres d'hôtes. Là où il avait prévu 12cm de dalle à casser, il y en a 50... Du coup, on va plutôt raboter la poutre en bois que de casser le sol qui est juste sur la cave voutée...

While Olivier was removing the old insulation and years of hoarding in one of the attic, I took down the staircase leading to the mezzanine.

Pendant qu'Olivier enlevait la vieille isolation d'un des greniers ainsi que des trésors antiques comme la poule aux oeufs d'or (un oeuf pourri qui a infecté tout le grenier quand il a cassé!), je me suis occupée de l'escalier menant à la mezzanine...

The third dumpster is full... La troisième benne est pleine....
 It is a great project, especially when we arrived to this view Saturday morning!
Un beau projet surtout avec cette vue à l'arrivée samedi matin!


  1. It's going to be incredible. Is this the house you were thinking of when you asked about our kitchen in Bozeman? (If so, it was all IKEA - the Varde line.). Amy and I have had to tear of masses of concrete as well - it's hell. Good choice to remain flexible with your plans!

    1. Yes and yes! We are planning to build an environment friendly kitchen (and house overall). We found a guy who makes kitchen made of local wood, with no bad glue in Brittany!


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